Matthew Eaton, DDS
A native of Fargo, ND Dr. Eaton has been practicing implant dentistry for over 12 years. Dr. Eaton has been uniquely been dedicated Dentistry and service for his patients through his commitments to education, technology, and service to the community.
Dr. Eaton graduated from the University of Minnesota School of Dentistry before going to work at one of the largest community health centers in the nation where he found his love for surgery and helping patients. In his first five years of practice, he extracted over 20,000 teeth and ran one of the only hospital based programs in the state of Wisconsin. Additionally, he became the Dental Director of the community health system directing 25 general dentists, three oral surgeons, and chairing the continuing education program.
Dr. Eaton is committed to education learning to provide best treatment for patients. He travels across the country usually receiving over 400 continuing education hours a year (compared to approximately 20 hours for most dentists). Additionally, he has lectured both nationally and internationally on dentistry to help educate other dentists.
In 2016, completed a ten month program dedicated to implant surgery at the prestigious Advanced Dental Implant Institute. Since 2016, Dr Eaton has been utilizing IV sedation, and some of the most advanced surgical techniques to create the best patient outcomes for his patients. Since 2016, Dr. Eaton has spent the last six years implementing technology, building a state of the art dental lab to allow the founding of Dakota Implant and Sedation
Dr. Eaton founded the Dakota Implant and Sedation Center geared towards patients in need of full moth rehabilitation. To do this comfortably, predictably, and with best outcomes he created a center that the ability to provide IV sedation, the most advanced technology, advanced surgical techniques, and staff oriented toward service.
Dr. Eaton is a member of American Academy of Implant Dentistry, Academy of General Dentistry, American Academy of Dental Sleep Medicine, American Dental Association, and the North Dakota Dental Association.
Outside of Dentistry his favorite hobbies are golfing, spending time with his family at the lake, and chasing his kids around watching their activities.

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